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Last Updated December 6, 2003
The Home link will now take you to the blog. This site is no longer being updated. | Shattering Delusions: Winkey Pratney Winkie Pratney is a deluded Creationist who runs a site called Ministry of Helps. He decided to write an essay on why Evolution was wrong, which I read, laughed at, thought about, and wrote a refutation to. It can be found in this section of his site, the "Discipleship Materials" section. How nice, not only is he excising the other world's religions with his creationist trash, but he's also implying that, in order to be a Christian, you must accept Creationism! If I was a Christian, I'd be insulted. If you read his essay, you'll notice that every paragraph ends with a litany of material sources. This is good for reference and such, but even those paragraphs containing arguments against Evolution are referenced! In other words. Winkie doesn't have an original thought in his brain. It's the same, recycled Creationist trash that's been refuted so many times, far before I ever wrote this. Throughout his essay, which doesn't have a single, original argument, he demonstrates a disgusting amount of religious bigotry and scientific ignorance. His whole work is based on the logical fallacy that, if one side is proven wrong, the other side must be proven right. He never gives one piece of solid evidence for the opinion that some mystical super-entity simply created everything one day. Some may ask why I so ruthlessly berate him, after all, he just disagrees with me, right? There's no harm in that. Of course. I still maintain that, if you're a Creationist, you're ignorant, plain and simple, but the good Mr. Pratney is perverting scientific and mathematical principles in his essay, as well as passing them off as "the truth." He is a fraud. He has no scientific education. Why should we take his word, which is totally unbacked, over that of physicists, astronomers, biologists and geologists? How arrogant is this guy? Curious to find out? Some of you are probably wondering if I've contacted Mr. Pratney regarding my refutation. The answer, of course, is yes. I E-mailed him a long time ago, informing him that I'd refuted his essay, and recieved no response. READ ON! |